Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Woman To Look Up To

For those of you who know me well, you know I am a huge fan of this woman called Cher! Yes, I love her music, yes, I love her acting, but most importantly I love what she stands for. A woman who is in control of her life, her destiny and faces challenges, just like everyone else, and handles them with grace, strength, and dignity.
We all have different tastes in music, acting, etc... but you cannot deny the power that Cher exudes every time you see her. This is the type of woman I want to be and strive to become.
Her latest song from her movie, Burlesque, is somewhat of an anthem. Titled "You haven't seen the last of me" it is full of uplifting words and listening to it gives me that little push to keep on, keep on going!! I highly recommend you download it to your ipod today and start singing along. You will end up feeling powerful, strong and ready to take on the world!!